Where can I find supporting download files?

Find the manual here.

IODD files to define the devices and Manufacturer Declarations are in the IODDfinder. Note that the IODD files for each product line: M, L, P, and EP series products are different from one another, and there may be Class A and Class B variants, depending on current draw. 

Which products can have IO-Link installed?

IO-Link is available on most Alicat mass flow and pressure devices, including M/MC, L/LC, P/PC/PCD and EP/EPC/EPCD series instruments.

Exceptions (incompatible with IO-Link):

How does IO-Link change instrument specifications?
  • Alicat part number for IO-Link Class A: -IOLINKA 
  • Alicat part number for IO-Link Class B: -IOLINKB 
  • Electrical connections: M12
  • Additional power requirement: 
  • Max number of devices on network: No limit
Which connector do I use to power the IO-Link device?

Standard PROFINET devices are powered through a power jack, while PROFINET devices rated to IP66 and IP67 are powered through an M8 connector.

Do I still have a choice of gases and gas mixes on IO-Link instruments?

Yes, where those choices are already provided. Gas instruments with PROFINET have their full Gas Select™ list of gas calibrations and Composer™ gas mixing firmware. CODA Coriolis instruments, that do not natively have Gas Select, will not gain Gas Select when PROFINET is added – and it would be of no benefit, in any case, since CODA is accurate for mass flow, independent of the species flowing.

How fast are communications with an Alicat instrument equipped with IO-Link?

230400 bit/s (COM3)

MC-Series products: 2.4 msec / cycle.

P-Series products: 1.22 msec / cycle.

This comes out be in the range of 416-820 Hz depending on the device configuration and other parameters.

Where are the notification indicator lights?

They are located on the case top of instruments that are rated lower than IP 66 or IP 67. The LED on the top of the instrument indicates the instrument status.

IP 6/6 and IP 6/7 devices do not have indicator lights.

You can find a list of the light’s reporting conditions in the IO-Link Manual.

What are the LED status colors?
LED Color Status Device Status Description
Green Normal Operation 0 Normal function
Red Failure 4 The instrument has detected a sensor or other malfunction
Orange Check Function 3 The instrument is in a mode other than normal operation
Yellow Out of Specification 2 At least one reading is outside its specified measuring range or environmental conditions
Blue Maintenance Required 1 Maintenance required
Can I update my existing instruments to possess IO-Link?

No. IO-Link can only be assembled and installed on new instruments due to distinct hardware and firmware requirements.

Does IO-Link on Alicat instruments comply with the industry standard?

Yes, IO-Link instruments are certified compliant with  IEC 61131-9

FastTrack Ordering

M/MC mass flow meters and controllers that ship in just 3-5 business days.
Standard or High Accuracy
Monochrome, Color, or None
Analog, RS-232, RS-485, or Modbus RTU
MD8, Locking Industrial, DB9M, DB15


2 SCCM - 500SLPM


2 SCCM - 100SLPM

Service and Support

Whether it is time for your instrument’s annual recalibration or your instrument needs a repair or upgrade,
you can fill out the Service Request Form below, email us, call us, or start a live chat session to get the service process started.

7641 N Business Park Dr. Tucson, AZ 85743

Geograaf 24, 6921 EW
Duiven, The Netherlands