What benefits does IO-Link have?

IO-Link offers several significant benefits in industrial automation, especially when compared to traditional analog or simple digital interfaces:

  1. Enhanced Data Accessibility: IO-Link enables two-way communication, allowing not only the transfer of process data but also diagnostic information from sensors and actuators. This improves insight into device status, which aids in predictive maintenance and helps reduce downtime.
  2. Simple, Standardized Wiring: IO-Link devices use standard, unshielded three-wire cables (typically M12 connectors), which are inexpensive and easy to install compared to traditional analog wiring. The simplicity of wiring reduces installation costs and minimizes errors.
  3. Automatic Device Configuration: IO-Link masters can store and automatically upload configuration data to new or replaced devices. This feature is especially beneficial for quick device replacement, minimizing setup time and ensuring consistent device settings.
  4. Increased Flexibility: IO-Link works with almost any fieldbus system through a master or gateway, making it compatible with existing networks, including Industrial Ethernet and traditional fieldbuses. This versatility makes IO-Link a flexible solution for various industrial environments.
  5. Extended Diagnostics: IO-Link can provide real-time diagnostic information for both the device and its process conditions. It can detect problems like misalignment or damage, enabling early intervention before failures impact productivity.
  6. Improved Precision and Accuracy: Unlike analog signals that can suffer from noise and signal degradation over long distances, IO-Link operates digitally. This means data accuracy is maintained across the length of the connection.
  7. Cost Savings: The combination of standardized wiring, automatic configuration, and improved diagnostics helps reduce setup, maintenance, and downtime costs over the lifecycle of the system.
  8. Backward Compatibility: Many IO-Link devices can be used as standard I/O if connected directly without an IO-Link master, making it possible to integrate them into legacy systems and gradually transition to IO-Link.

These benefits make IO-Link an appealing choice for manufacturers looking to enhance automation capabilities, reduce downtime, and support smart manufacturing initiatives.

Where can I find supporting download files?

Find the manual here.

IODD files to define the devices and Manufacturer Declarations are in the IODDfinder. Note that the IODD files for each product line: M, L, P, and EP series products are different from one another, and there may be Class A and Class B variants, depending on current draw. 

Which products can have IO-Link installed?
IO-Link is available on most Alicat mass flow and pressure devices, including M/MC, L/LC, P/PC/PCD and EP/EPC/EPCD series instruments.

Exceptions (incompatible with IO-Link):

How does IO-Link change instrument specifications?
  • Alicat part number for IO-Link Class A: -IOLINKA
  • Alicat part number for IO-Link Class B: -IOLINKB
  • Electrical connections: M12
  • Max number of devices on network: No limit
Which connector do I use to power the IO-Link device?

Standard IO-Link devices are powered through an M12 connector at the top of the instrument. The M12 provides digital communications and power. Some IO-Link devices will have an M8 connector, used for serial and analog communications.

Do I still have a choice of gases and gas mixes on IO-Link instruments?

Yes, where those choices are already provided. Gas instruments with IO-Link have their full Gas Select™ list of gas calibrations and Composer™ gas mixing firmware.

How fast are communications with an Alicat instrument equipped with IO-Link?

230400 bit/s (COM3)

MC-Series products: 2.4 msec / cycle.

P-Series products: 1.22 msec / cycle.

This comes out be in the range of 416-820 Hz depending on the device configuration and other parameters.

Where are the notification indicator lights?

Indicator lights are located on the case top of instruments in cases where the ingress protection rating is lower than IP66 or IP67.

IP66 and IP67 devices do not have indicator lights.

The LED follows the NAMUR NE107 standard for displaying status information. You can find a list of the light’s reporting conditions in the IO-Link Manual.

What are the LED status colors?

The LED displays information according to the NAMUR NE107 standard.

  1. Failure (Red) – Indicates a critical malfunction requiring immediate attention. The device may be unable to perform its function.
  2. Out of Specification (Yellow) – The device is operating outside its defined specifications, which may affect accuracy or performance.
  3. Maintenance Required (Blue) – Signals that the device needs maintenance soon to avoid potential issues, allowing for planned intervention.
  4. Function Check (Orange) – Indicates that the device is in a special mode (e.g., calibration or testing) and may not be providing standard operational measurements.
  5. Normal Operation (Green) – The device is operating as intended with no detectable issues

More information is available in the IO-Link manual

Can I update my existing instruments to possess IO-Link?

No. IO-Link can only be assembled and installed on new instruments due to distinct hardware and firmware requirements.

Does IO-Link on Alicat instruments comply with the industry standard?

Yes, IO-Link instruments are certified compliant with  IEC 61131-9

Can IO-Link interface with Industrial Ethernet protocols, such as EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP, and PROFINET?

Yes. IO-Link can interface with Industrial Ethernet, but it requires an intermediary device, commonly called an IO-Link master or gateway, which bridges the two communication protocols.

Here’s how it works:

  1. IO-Link Master: The IO-Link master communicates directly with IO-Link sensors and actuators in the field and aggregates this data.
  2. Ethernet Gateway: The IO-Link master also has an Ethernet connection, allowing it to send data to and receive commands from the PLC or other control systems on the Industrial Ethernet network (e.g., EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP).

With this setup, IO-Link data can be integrated into a more extensive automation network, facilitating communication between IO-Link devices and other Ethernet-based devices, including controllers and HMIs. This setup enables centralized control and real-time data monitoring, useful for predictive maintenance and process optimization.