IO-Link Mass Flow Meters & Controllers and Pressure Control Devices
Easily integrated into your IO-Link networks and processes
- IO-Link mass flow controllers and mass flow meters
- IO-Link pressure controllers and meters
- Our standard IO-Link liquid controllers and meters
- OEM IO-Link pressure controllers and pressure meters
- IO-Link dual valve pressure products for dead-end processes
Especially with our standard laminar DP-based mass flow controllers, this implementation produces a data-rich multivariate IO-Link device permitting deeper insights into your process.
MEMS-Thermal Mass Flow Meters & Controllers
Small flow instruments with premier performance
Alicat Scientific’s smallest BASIS 2 mass flow instrument line uses MEMS thermal technology to measure mass flow.
Cost-effective, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and yet packed with impressive performance. Work with our engineering team for custom manifolds and gas mixing arrays.
- Accurate flow control in a compact, durable, metal flow body.
- Run sophisticated flow-control scripts using a fast, robust Alicat ASCII command set.
- Dispense dosing and batches with a built-in totalizer.
Now standard on Alicat MC-Series products
Quickly establish fast control
Control device optimization can provide the best device response for a particular process and environment. Automated optimization, such as Alicat’s Autotune function, makes it possible to measure current performance and improve it, without requiring extensive knowledge of control systems and parameters.
Learn how to optimize your control response with Autotune with this whitepaper on response time optimization.
FastTrack Flow & Pressure Devices
2 SCCM – 500 SLPM
Do FastTrack instruments meet your requirements?
Service and Support
Whether it is time for your instrument’s annual recalibration or your instrument needs a repair or upgrade, you can fill out the Service Request Form below, email us, call us, or start a live chat session to get the service process started.
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