
Tag: aerospace

  • Overcoming the challenges of high-speed aerodynamic tests using pressure control

    Aerospace development and testing applications often require high flow rates to pressurize large volumes. One example is in gas reservoirs, where the reservoir must be pressurized prior to conducting high-speed aerodynamic tests. Application requirements A customer approached Alicat looking to pressurize a 200 L gas reservoir to 1000 PSIG. The gas held in the reservoir […]

  • Veloce echelle spectrograph utilizes closed-volume pressure control

    Dr. James Gilbert Dr. James Gilbert was the technical lead for the Australian National University’s development of the Veloce echelle spectrograph, which is now installed on the 3.9-meter Anglo-Australian Telescope at the Siding Spring Observatory in New South Wales, Australia. Veloce integrates a highly-customized Alicat closed-volume pressure controller for stable precision pressure control of air […]

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